An International Journal
Cecil Helman
Edouard's Nose
The Blue Whale
Heavenly Bodies
The Music
Spontaneous Breasts
The Rubbing
Toad, Hog, Assassin, Mirror
Blood Somewhere
Editorial BoardEditor: Peter JohnsonAssistant Editors: Brian Johnson and Karen Klingon Contributing Editors: Robert Bly, Russell Edson, David Ignatow, Sibyl James, Naomi Shihab Nye, and Charles Simic Web Fellow: Mike Neff Manuscript RequirementsManuscripts are considered only from Dec. 1 to March 1, and reading will not resume until Dec. 1 of 2001. Please send no more than 3-5 poems, an SASE, and also include a two-sentence biographical note. Please don't send verse poems. Although we don't want to say that we can define "prose poetry," we do expect our contributors to at least know the difference between verse and prose poetry, so that they don't waste their time and postage. We don't read simultaneous submissions or e-mail submissions. We do respond within three months, though, and you can expect to see your work in print within six months of acceptance. Also, if we publish an anthology we reserve the right to reprint your published poem in it; we also reserve the right to publish it on our web page. No photographs or art work wanted, and book reviews are assigned by the editor, though feel free to query. Editorial address is: The Prose Poem: An International Journal, English Department, Providence College, Providence, RI 02918. Subscription Information
The Prose Poem: An International Journal is published annually.
Subscriptions are: $12 for two years; $8 for one year. Please make checks
payable to Providence College. Send check to The Prose Poem: An
International Journal, english department, Providence College, Providence,
RI 02918.
"Which one of us, in his moments of ambition, has not dreamed of a miracle of poetic prose, musical without rhythm and without rhyme, supple enough and rugged enough to adapt itself to the lyrical impulses of the soul, the undulations of reverie, the jibes of conscience?"
From the Archives of The Prose Poem from Noir Fred Muratori
My Blue Heaven
A Piece of Black Coal Found Under a Tree
Mary Koncel
Thursday Afternoon: Life is Sweet
Night Fishing
Pslam for Fay
Black Box
The Prodigal Son: Amnesty
The Goldilocks Compulsion
A Village
The Body
Trivial Pursuit
Against the Evidence
Dear Shahid,
The Obsession
Warning to the Reader
The Accident
In this moment ...
Alphabet Soup
The Way We Live
The Smile at the Foot of the Ladder
October Lambs
Self-Portrait (Kneeling)
After the Weather
Light Singing Before the Earth
Doing Hatha Yoga
The Mussorgsky Question
Leaving the Roadside Motel
La Feria
Theseus and Ariadne
War Mice
Letter From the Cabin
The Riddle of the Sphinx
Book Review of Russell Edson's The Tunnel: Selected Poems
* * *Copyright 2000, The Prose Poem |