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   Short Story and Novel Workshops Phone: 1-800-250-8290
   For New and Established Writers
Need To Know About Algonkian

The Algonkian Philosophy:
   Is There a Single Best Way to Learn Craft? There is.

Special Advantages To Algonkian Students:
   The Agent/Editor Nexus at Web del Sol

What Makes Algonkian Better?:
   Our Unique Fiction Workshop Methods

The Art of Electronic Workshopping
   Notes Regarding the Working of The Electronic Workshop

Author List For Novels and Short Fiction
   Calvino, Sontag, J.A. Phillips, Proulx, Marquez, Fitzgerald, Kingsolver ...

"The Craft-in-Progress" Novel Syllabus
   Exercises, Guides, Goals, and Studies

"The Art of Fiction" Short Fiction Syllabus
   Exercises, Guides, Goals, and Studies

Our Philosophy

Is there a single best way to learn how to write fiction? To begin or redraft a novel or short story? There is. A significant amount of fiction craft and technique exists that is known only to a relatively small number of people. This craft and technique is often not taught even at the college MFA level. Given that such craft and technique is best learned from the works of those authors who originated and/or utilized it most effectively, an examination of these works in detail will provide participants with the comprehensive knowledge they need to transform their own short stories and novels.

Is there a single best way to approach getting published? There is. Our workshops also focus on genre research, agent needs, editorial services, publication, and more. You learn the hard yet reassuring facts about the market.

Algonkian Advantages

Students of our workshops gain an immediate advantage of association due to the fact that our workshops are hosted and supported by the Web del Sol Association, the largest publisher of periodical contemporary literature (short fiction and poetry) in the U.S. Specific information on Web del Sol can be found in this recent article from "Poet's and Writers" magazine.

A summary of advantages as follows:

  • A Foot In the Publication Door. Short stories workshopped at Algonkian will be read by Web del Sol editors and discussed for possible publication in any one of several quality fiction magazines. A collection of literary reviews at Web del Sol can be found here. Web del Sol and its publications receive, in total, an average of 2000 readers per day. Since Web del Sol includes only the finest, a work published in any of these periodicals makes it easier for the writer to continue to be published elsewhere. Also, when it comes to persuading an agent to read a novel manuscript, appearing in one of our magazines will put you over the top.

  • An Agent Nexus. Due to Web del Sol's reputation in the literary community, it is a crossroads and nexus for agents, visited regularly by representatives from the best agencies in the U.S. If you are writing short fiction but you also want to signal to an agent that a novel is in the works, Web del Sol is the place to be published. If you are a novel writer, please know that Algonkian Workshops have forged mutually beneficial connections with quality agencies such as Graybill and English, Amster Literary, AEI, Trident Media, William Morris, and others, and they have agreed to review promising and unique novel concepts submitted to them by Algonkian. If the agents like your concept (novel title plus two to three sentence capsule summary), they will read an ms excerpt. This significant bridge is made possible due to our growing reputation as a superior novel workshop. Algonkian will assist in getting your first novel published, whether literary or genre.

  • HOLLYWOOD AND INDEPENDENT FILM NEXUS. WDS/Algonkian is actively looking to turn novel concepts/ms into "high concept" pitches to forward to producers and agents in LA. If any pitches are accepted, Algonkian will work with writers to turn them into scripts. Algonkian will negotiate with writers for partnership if LA green lights the pitches (one or two sentences about the story). Read Michael Neff's SolPix interview to get a feel for the atmosphere.

The Art of Electronic Workshopping

Our new Algonkian online classes are taught by workshop professionals who are experienced editors and writers. In addition, the Algonkian online classes are unique in that each one also comes with its own Visiting Author or Agent, i.e., an experienced professional who gives of their time to answer questions in our forums.

Algonkian Workshops online contain the following features:

  • Asynchronous Mode. You do not have to be present at the exact moment your teacher or classmates are interacting online. Your writing exercises, shop critiques, and study material can be accomplished at any time during the week.
  • Online Workshop Features. Lectures, exercises, instructor and class critiques. A prototype of the class is available to demonstrate electronic workshop features (Note: a small portion of content is included as a sample. Log in as "student" and password "workshop")
  • Interactive, Supportive Community. As our students learn craft in the context of their work, they receive tangible feedback, both from fellow students, their instructor, the professional in residence, and a Web del Sol editor as appropriate.
  • Solid Workshop Environment. Algonkian online shops are interactive classrooms, and a student does not need to understand any special software or commands. If you can point and click with a mouse, you are home free!
  • Perpetual Log-In. For the duration of the workshop, students can log-on anywhere and 24/7.


Web del Sol/Algonkian Workshops
2020 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Suite 443
Washington, D.C. 20006
Phone: 1-800-250-8290