Poetry and Prose from In Posse Review



IPR Issue 23


Poetry and the Body Special Issue
Peter Pereira, Guest Editor
Birthing the Body
Kelli Russell Agodon, Gary L. McDowell, Martha Silano
Body Parts
Lana Hechtman Ayers, Arlene Ang, Brendan Babish, Stephanie Berger, Jeannine Hall Gailey, Donald Illich, David Trame
The Medical Body
Kelli Russell Agodon, Ivy Alvarez, Bob Guter, Kathryn Hunt, Collin Kelley, Gary Winans, Sarah Sloat
The Erotic Body
Kelli Russell Agodon, Jeff Crandall, Kathryn Hunt, Michael Lynch, CR Manley
The Political Body
Kevin Minh Allen, Jehanne Dubrow, Justin Evans, Collin Kelley
Body & Soul
Edward Byrne, Wayne Johns, Collin Kelley Jared Leising, James Lineberger, Amy Newman

Spotlight Poet
"Doll Heads"; "Thomas"
Richard Garcia

"Hardcore Life"
Michael Bryson
"The Quiet Scream"
Chris Guthrie
John Repp
Lee Upton
"Broken Teeth"
David Zimmerman

Short shorts


Mystery, Crime, Science Fiction