"We touch and drift, holding each other while this balmy night lauds itself and us"

More Perihelion:

Issue 6: No More Tears

Bob Sward's Writer's Friendship Series

Book Reviews

Need to Know



Poets featured in this issue:

Mary Moore

Kate Benedict

James Walton Fox

Jane Blue

Tom Goff

Kate Lutzner

Heather Burns

Maria Melendez

Karen Alkalay-Gut

Laverne Frith

Laura Ann Walton

Roger Pfingston

Scott Odom


Bei Dao

Roger Pfingston


Buffeted by wind, we wake
locked like newlyweds,
a little drunk and still wet

with each other. As you turn,
your face lit by moonlight
in a room gone luminous gray,

the quilt jingles, strewn
with silver dollars, the gift
of friends who only hours ago

took us by surprise. We touch
and drift, holding each other
while this balmy night lauds

itself and us, it seems, with a
rousing wind and such light,
enough to bring us round again.

